Want to join Middle Street? We have limited places available in most year groups.
Want to join Middle Street? We have limited places available in most year groups.
At Middle Street Primary School we follow the Brighton and Hove Agreed Syllabus for RE. You can access the agreed syllabus at the bottom of this page.
Programme of study for Key Stage 1
Beliefs, teaching and sources
1. What Christians believe about God and Jesus
2. What Jews believe about God and the Torah.
Teachings and sources
1. Stories from the New Testament that tell about Jesus’ life and Jesus as a person, a leader and a teacher, including stories to develop the meaning of Christmas and Easter.
2. Stories from the Torah including stories about Moses as a person, a leader and a teacher.
Practices and Ways of life
1. Learn about the major festivals and celebrations of Christianity and Judaism
Expressing meaning
1. Symbols associated with celebrations, signs and artefacts within a church and in a synagogue.
2. The symbols found in a Christian home and in a Jewish home.
Identity, diversity and belonging
1. Who I am and how I belong to school, family and religious and nonreligious groups
2. Special people to us and why they are special.
3. The importance of families and faith communities, relationships with others, the world
around them and with God.
4. Worship as an expression of common beliefs in Christianity and Judaism.
Meaning, purpose and truth
1. Christian and Jewish stories about creation.
Values and commitments
1. Children’s own ideas about right and wrong.
2. Christian and Jewish ideas about right.
Programme of study for Key Stage 2
Beliefs, teaching and sources
1. What Christians believe about God.
2. What Muslims believe about Allah and about Muhammad (PBUH).
3. What Hindus or Sikhs or Buddhists believe about the concept of god or deity
4. Faith beliefs about the creation of the world
1. Teachings about Old Testament Prophets /God and Jesus /Allah and Muhammad (PBUH).
2. Central teachings or concepts of chosen religion for example Karma and reincarnation
3. Stories and traditions about religious leaders: e.g. Jesus, Muhammad (PBUH), Buddha, Guru
Nanak or Hindu deities (Rama, Sita, Krishna, Ganesh).
1. The study and treatment of the relevant sacred texts at home and in the place of worship.
2. The laws that govern aspects of life in the religions being studied.
3. The structure of and teachings in the Bible.
Practices and Ways of life
1. Festivals and celebrations in Christianity, Judaism and Islam and chosen religion
2. Ceremonies of rites of passage (coming of age and marriage)
3. Worship, including prayer, at home and in the place of worship
4. Explore a variety of Brighton & Hove based places of worship, and the role of the leader in these places of worship.
Expressing meaning
1. Understanding the meaning of symbols used in Christianity, Islam, Judaism and the religion being studied and what they represent within places and worship and celebration.
2. The use of art, music and artefacts to explore the significance of symbols in world
Identity, diversity and belonging
1. Identity and belonging as attributes which may change and develop over time
2. What it means to be part of a faith community in Brighton & Hove and the UK exploring the benefits and the challenges of being part of a faith community
3. Symbolism of clothes in world faiths studied in relation to identity and belonging and discussion related to prejudice and visible differences
4. Teachings about family life and care for others in the world faiths studied.
Meaning, purpose and truth
1. Philosophical discussions about the ultimate questions
2. Explore religious beliefs about life and death.
3. A reflection on rites of passage providing meaning, purpose and truth for individuals and
4. The teachings about charitable giving and work in the world faiths studied and positive impacts
Values and commitments
1. What are values and what is the relationship between values, beliefs and actions
2. Stories about key people from the religious texts studied and how they inspire believers today.
3. Stories about a range of inspirational religious leaders past and present, how and where they found their inspiration and how they inspired others.
4. The role and vocation of the leaders of local.
Brighton & Hove Agreed Syllabus for RE (pdf)
DownloadMiddle Street Primary School
Middle Street Primary School, Middle St, Brighton, England BN1 1AL, United Kingdom