Want to join Middle Street? We have limited places available in most year groups.
Want to join Middle Street? We have limited places available in most year groups.
Our full Complaints Procedure and our complaints form is available to download below.
Our full Complaints Procedure is available to view at the bottom of this page
A summary of our procedures and timescales is shown below. Please note: if it is not possible to meet these timescales, they will be reviewed in consultation with complainants.
Who to contact
Contact the class teacher or form tutor, who may be able to address your concern straight away or will arrange a meeting to discuss the matter with you at a mutually convenient time. If this person is not appropriate, you may contact the headteacher, who will refer you to another member of staff to deal with your concern.
Timescale to receive response*
Written acknowledgement within five school days and full response within 15 school days of receiving the concern.
Who to contact
Contact the headteacher, who will investigate your complaint. They may delegate the investigation to another member of the school’s senior leadership team, but the headteacher will provide the response.
If the complaint is about the headteacher or the governing board, contact the clerk to governors who will direct your complaint to the most appropriate person to carry out the investigation (see page 6).
Timescale to receive response*
Written acknowledgement within five school days and full response within 15 school days of receiving the complaint.
Who to contact
If you are not satisfied with the response at Stage 1, or have not received a response within the published timeline, you can request that a panel of governors hear the complaint. Contact the clerk to governors within 20 school days of receiving the Stage 1 response and the clerk will arrange the hearing.
Timescale to receive response*
Written acknowledgement within five school days.
Hearing will be arranged for within 15 school days of receiving the Stage 2 complaint.
Decision to be sent in writing within five school days of the hearing.
Middle Street Primary School
Middle Street Primary School, Middle St, Brighton, England BN1 1AL, United Kingdom